Marvelous Manga Earth
Earth-181214 is a reality partially removed from the multiverse of the Divine Continuum, but near enough to Earth-211128 to have some commonalities. Notable differences in this reality include the presence of a team of mighty superheroes known as the Avengers, widespread discrimination against metahuman 'mutants', and radical differences in the status of the planet Earth in the broader galaxy.

Relative to other realities, Earth-181214 seems to be characterized by a strange mix of absurd violence and lightheartedly manic lifestyles that can come off as slapstick parody to natives of other realities. Notable heroes of Japan in this reality include the web-slinging Sakura Spider and her rival Jorōgumo, the gamma radiation mutate Ō-Onna and her more controlled sister Ō-Onna Red, and Samurai Moon—the kami's answer to Khonshu's Moon Knight.

Contrary to many other realities where the birth father of one Saotome Ranma is a version of Bruce Wayne, the Ranma of Earth-181214 is the child of vigilante Purple Hayes, AKA the bat-themed heroine Nosferata. Ranma's other mother Nodoka is rather evasive about how this is possible beyond saying, "it was the Nineties, dear" and humming Nirvana melodies.

Notable Inhabitants:
Ài "Shampoo" Shānpú / White Cat
Aratabi Neiro / Kage
Arimura Nao / Virus
Hayes, Purple / Nosferata
Hida Haruka / Sakura Spider
Lang, Scott / Ant-Man
Parker, Peter / Spider-Man
Rogers, Steve / Captain America
Saotome Ranma / Jorōgumo
Stark, Anthony "Tony" / Iron Man
Tendō Akane / Ō-Onna Red
Tendō Kasumi / Ō-Onna
Tsukino Usagi / Samurai Moon, the Fist of Tsukuyomi
Wilson, Wade / Deadpool
Notable Locations: