Amy Saetta
Chain Lightning;
Gender: (pronouns) Age: 22 (as of Suteki-Jō) Species: Human

Birthplace: Unknown Home Base: Ethnicity: Italian-American
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue Category: Metahuman
Affiliation: Associates: , / Relatives: , /
At an early age, Amy developed a habit of lying to others in order to get her way—becoming alternately depressed or angry when found out. Over time, her refusal to accept responsibility for her own actions became so overwhelming that she mentally separated her own misdeeds from herself, causing the development of a trio of alters who Amy blamed for everything wrong in her life. After her metagene was activated, Amy spent a brief period of time misusing her powers to deceive others, up to and including escaping a murder charge. Overwhelmed by the knowledge that her alters were aware of her crimes, Amy attempted suicide as an escape—only to be rescued by Captain Marvel Jr.

Amy's meeting with CM Jr. began a pattern of her seeking him out, blaming her headmates for any of her misdeeds while trying to control the hero, who she saw as someone she could coerce into protecting her by feigning innocence.

Special Abilities:
  • Dissociative Disorder: Amy developed symptoms in line with Other Specified Dissociative Disorder at an uncertain point in her past, resulting in a conflict between her as the 'host' and her alters—blaming them for her own violent tendencies.
    • Amber: straightforward and rude, Amber casually insults others and thinks little of using her powers as a threat—but is rarely actually willing to follow through. Fronting the least of the four, she is the most hated by Amy for her refusal to lie.
    • Tandy:
    • Zita: also known as Inner Child, Zita is amble to use her electrical powers to manifest a hulking guardian named Id. Fiercely protective of her personal space, Zita readily commands Id to intervene when she is approached by others.
  • Electrokinesis: Amy naturally absorbs eletricity into a field around her body
Amy originates in the publications of DC Comics and its adaptations. Transformative elements listed on this page include but are not limited to: the surname "Saetta", identification of "Inner Child" by the name "Zita", identification of "Id" as a reflection of Inner Child's powers, and identification of Amy as a compulsive liar, as well as variations thereupon. No claim is made to ownership of these characters and concepts.Source:X