Yamshiro Chiyo [山城 千代]
Fruit Bat [オオコウモリ]
Gender: Cisgender Woman Age: 105 (as of lilit rising) Species: Human

Fruit Bat soundly defeats former villain minion "Schoolgirl".
Birthplace: Naha, Okinawa, Japan Home Base:

Ethnicity: Japanese
Hair Color: White (formerly blue) Eye Color: Brown Category: Trained
Affiliation: Associates: Emiko / Schoolgirl (Student)
Gordon, Barbara / Oracle;
Joon-Ki / Hardhat (Student)
Wen Lu / Moth (Student)
Relatives: Unnamed son
"You've got a lot to learn, and as you can see, I haven't got much time."

Photographic evidence dating back to 1939 shows that Yamashiro Chiyo began fighting crime in Japan as the masked heroine Fruit Bat in the late 1930s; by the Eighties she chose to reveal her true identity, settling down with a family in Naha, where she lived under the care of her son. During the second Year of the Rat, she encountered Barbara Gordon and offered advice that led to the defeat of the villain "Teacher", accepting the role of providing instruction to Teacher's former minions Schoolgirl, Moth, and Hardhat.

Special Abilities:
  • Advanced Age: Chiyo's health at over a hundred years of age severely limits her ability to function as a heroine; she spends most of her time in a wheelchair conserving her strength.
  • Awareness: Chiyo frequently displays knowledge of likely current or future events that may be metahuman, or maybe simply be long experience in observing and predicting patterns.
  • Linguistics: Chiyo speaks fluent Japanese.
  • Martial Arts: Even in her old age, Chiyo possesses sufficient combat skill to casually deflect and redirect shuriken into a counter-attack with her bare hands or catch a mid-air villain one-handed to deliver a disabling throw.
Yamashiro Chiyo originates in DC Comics publications. Transformative elements listed on this page include but are not limited to: as well as variations thereupon. No claim is made to ownership of these characters and concepts.Source:Comics