Ki, Life Energy, Lifeforce, Prana, Pneuma, Ruach, the Force, Shreearr, White Lantern Energy

Kong Kenan focuses his qi through eight trigram-associated points to access his Kryptonian-derived powers.
Characters who are empowered by Qi are able to tap into their own innate life-force in order to achieve incredible feats that are ultimately natural in spite of their strangeness. Repeated misuse of qi may create imbalances that the natural world or the user's own body will self-correct, like matter rushing into an unexpected vacuum; a loss, overuse, or draining of qi will have a deleterious effect on the health of the subject.

Although variations have been recognized and discussed throughout history and on different worlds, qi control is taught especially the martial and meditative arts of eastern Asia on the planet Earth, and as 'shreearr' in the Kryptonian traditions of Torquasm Rao and Torquasm Vo. It is often symbolically or literally linked to breath, and this power's name in many languages reflects this meaning.

While few reach the deeper levels of skill developed by masters of those traditions, and many of the more impactful uses of qi are jealously guarded secrets, it is ultimately a power that any living being may develop with time, patience, training, and perhaps a bit of innate talent.

Notable Users: Kong Kenan/Super-Man of China (infused with Kryptonian qi)
Saotome Ranma/Lilit (trained to amplify and manipulate their own qi)