Speed Force
Speed Dimension; Speed Field; Speed Heaven; Timestream; The Light; Fourth Dimension; Positive Speed Force

Avery Ho, the Flash of China—a Speed Force user who has saved multiple realities.
Characters who are empowered by the Speed Force (commonly known as 'Speedsters') are linked to an interdimensional force that embodies the principles of velocity, acceleration, and movement. Suffusing all of space and time across the multiverse, it can be manipulated to manifest in the form of arcs of electricity, bolts of lightning, or whole storms. Due to the characteristic yellow hue of Speed Force lightning, some researchers believe this energy is the source of the association of yellow as the color of electricity in spite of it tending to produce more a blue-white light in normal conditions.

Powers granted by the Speed Force typically include superhuman speed and associated resistances, reflexes, and senses; the ability to control the rate at which one's molecules move in order to pass between the atomic structure of other substances; and accessing the Speed Force itself as a sort of quasi-dimension that lets users move throughout time.

While some Speedsters have an infusion of the Speed Force throughout their being, others rely on meditating on or reciting a specific formulaic equation representative of its nature in order to establish a temporary connectoin. The villain Eobard Thawne created an artificial cancerous warping of the Speed Force he termed the Negative Speed Force, which grants powers including the ability to negate or drain Speed, alter the user's physical age, and absorb memories. Users of both the normal and Negative Speed Force have a sensitivity to users of similar cosmic forces, including the Still Force

Notable Users: Alinta / Bolt
Allen, Barry / the Flash (Flash II)
Allen, Bart / Impulse (Flash IV)
Black Flash
Chambers, Jess / Kid Quick (Equation-based)
Dhawan, Meena / Negative Flash (Negative Speed Force)
Garrick, Jay / the Flash (Flash I)
Garrick, Judy / the Boom
Hasami Ai / Smiles Per Hour
Heart, August / Godspeed
Ho, Avery / the Flash of China (Flash V)
Lee, Grace Hae-Jin / Getaway
Mārīcī, Boddhisatva of Light
Mercury, Max
Mizuno Ami / Azoth (Equation-based)
Ten'ō "Harker" Haruka / Hyperion
Thawne, Eobard / Professor Zoom (Negative Speed Force)
Thawne, Thaddeus / Inertia
West, Iris II "Irey" / Thunderheart
West, Jai / Surge
West, Wallace R. / Kid Flash
West, Wally / the Flash (Flash III)
Zolomon, Hunter / Zoom