Earth-211128 is the designation for a reality in the Multiverse of the Divine Continuum distinguished by a large number of events, planets, species, and persons who would in other realities be fictional as portrayed in works of anime and manga.

By and large, Japanese and Japanese-American metahumans have a larger impact on the superhero community and events in this reality, eventually culminating in the formation of the Justice League Japan. Notable heroes of this reality not often found elsewhere in the Multiverse include the Dark Demoness Detective Lilit, Citizen Moon, Edogawa Conan, Dummy Doll, Lighthawk, and Suteki-Jō. Notably, the US state of California has a very high percentage of citizens of Japanese descent, leading to stronger differences from the broader American culture and even in the nature of courts of law, leading to frequent conflicts between the Californian legislature and federal law.

To view more in-depth articles about this reality, please visit the All Pages listing.

An encounter between the Earth-raised Kryptonian hero Superman and Lord Tō Inbeidā of the Oni typifies the differences between Earth-211128 and other realities.
Art by Beedok

This reality's Tendō Akane and Saotome Ranma encountering Cass Wayne, Bruce Wayne, and Osamu Jirō set in motion a chain of events that radically reshaped the destinies of all five.
Art by Beedok
A run-in with the Joker found plural performer Tōneidō Uendo wittily outwitting the whiteface wastrel.
Art by Beedok

Although at an extreme distance from Prime Earth, Earth-211128 actually forms part of a cluster of realities, including:
  • Earth-49208: a world that teeters on the brink of disaster, where the significant choices made by the great heroes of other realities went the other way. Here, a miserable and lonesome Batman never opted to take in any children as his wards, Themyscira remained isolated far longer due to its princess Diana opting to not leave with Steve Trevor, and the infant Kal-El became a ward of the state instead of being raised by a loving family.
  • Earth-210128: in a world where the Amazons of Themyscira spread a message of empowering women long ago in human history, social status is held by women—including the famed heroines of the Justice Guild. Relative to other realities, Earth-210128 seems to be 'gender-swapped', with the orles of numerous prominent heroes, heroines, and villains being occupied by counterparts of a different gender. Many events there match the history of Earth 11.
  • Earth-211028: AKA "Classic Anime-Earth", the great age of heroes began earlier in history than in other realities. While there are many similarities to Earth 2 or the earlier Earth-2, this reality can be distinguished by Cutey Honey being one of its most prominent heroes. The Huntress and Power Girl of Earth-211128 actually originate in this reality.
  • Earth-211143: a darker world plagued by the presence of a human subspecies known as Ghouls, this reality has seen its brightest heroes shine in shades of gray.
  • Earth-211228: advanced further along its timeline than other nearby realities, this reality strongly parallels Earth 12 and versions thereof. Here, "Miss Unknown" assists a new Batman in going beyond his limits, while the Rabbit Hutch nightclub provides an underground safe haven for Neo-Tokyo's heroes under the watchful eye of Serenity
  • Earth-211328: a 'morally inverted' world similar to Earth 3, where the villainous Crime Syndicate takes the place of the Justice League, and the bravest heroes are versions of the worst villains of other realities.
  • Earth-213828: a world where the heroes Superman and Batman debuted according to the years of their first comic and aged accordingly. Here, Bruce Wayne Junior was the second Robin and third Batman.
  • Earth-181214: a reality toeing the line with another continuum, this reality is home to strange and wildly different yet no less marvelous heroes and villains.