Taylor Barzelay
Galaxy; the Galaxy Crowned; Tay; Princess Taelyr Ilextrix-spiir Biarxiiai
Gender: Transgender woman (she/her pronouns) Age: 17 (as of Kakomazalos) Species: Cyandiian

Taylor in and out of costume, along with Argus
Birthplace: Cyandii Home Base: Metropolis, DE, United States
Ozma Gap, WV, United States
Ethnicity: Cyandiian
Hair Color: Teal Eye Color: Teal Category: Cyandiian (Senshi)
Affiliation: Cyandii Royal Family Associates: Aino Minako / Flying V
Kent, Lara / Seraph
Miyake Shinobu
Moroboshi Yumemi / Dummy Doll
Nal, Nia / Dreamer
Saunders, Kendra / Hawkgirl
Silverberg, Katherine Angelica (girlfriend)
Silverberg, Zinnia
Taiin Usagi / Citizen Moon
Whitmore, Courtney / Stargirl
Relatives: Unnamed Father
Unnamed Mother
Argus (Protector)
Barzelay, Carl (Adoptive Brother)
Barzelay, Phil (Guardian)
Barzelay, Sally "Goblin" (Adoptive Sister)
"Being 'normal' was never, never going to save me!"
Born in space to the king and queen (or a rough, untranslatable equivalent) of the planet Cyandii, Taelyr Ilextrix-spiir Biarxiiai was given one of three important gems as a child—only for her planet to be attacked by the Vane, a hostile insectoid species holding another of the gems. Fleeing to Earth with her guardian and two other survivors, Taelyr was hidden in the form of a human boy and assumed the name of Taylor Barzelay, settling in the Radio Quiet Zone town of Ozma Gap in order to better conceal her from discovery by the Vane.

Eventually overwhelmed by a combination of dysphoria and the physical pain of the gemstone in her chest, Taylor reclaimed her true form with the use of a Cyandiian organic device called an ehsar, only to accidentally destroy the ehsar in a surge of anger at her circumstances. Forced to remain in her true nonhuman form among a community that was hostile to differences, Taylor struggled to find a place for herself—but through her girlfriend Kat, she soon made her way to Metropolis and connected with other young women around whom she could be who she was always meant to be.

A chance encounter with the 'Sailor Sentōin' led Taylor to be invited up to the Justice League's orbital Watchtower headquarters during the time of the Oni 'invasion', and she eventually took part in a party congratulating Lara Kent and Yumemi Moroboshi on coming out as women.

Special Abilities:
  • Capsaicin Immunity: Taylor lacks a human-typical response to the chemical compound capsaicin, being capable of drinking bottled hot sauce as readily as water.
  • Energy Awareness: by focusing, Taylor can sense and manipulate energetic forces of a planet and its inhabitants, including heat, light, gravity, electricity, sound, qi, and the vibration of movement. She is able to perceive the presence of living beings through barriers and view the meridians and bioelectric makeup of organic beings; with focus, she can use her connection to those energies to boost her strength, manipulate the bodily functions of other beings, and fly.
  • Linguistics: Taylor speaks fluent English and Cyandiian.
  • Sodium Dependency: Cyandiians in their true forms require higher sodium intake than typical of humans, leading Taylor to need to regularly drink solutions such as pickle brine.
  • Superhuman Strength: Taylor's physical strength in her natural form is noticeably higher than the norm for a human of an equivalent physique.
Taylor Barzelay originates in DC Comics and its adaptations. Transformative elements listed on this page include but are not limited to: identification as a Sailor Senshi and association with Minako Aino, Courtney Whitmore, Usagi Taiin, Yumemi Moroboshi, Shinobu Miyake, and/or Lara Kent, as well as variations thereupon. No claim is made to ownership of these characters and concepts.Source:Comics