Alfred "Al" Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth
Gender: Cisgender man (he/him pronouns) Age: 67 (as of lilit rising) Species: Human

Alfred Pennyworth, guardian of Batman
Birthplace: London, England, UK Home Base: Wayne Manor, Gotham City, NJ Ethnicity: English
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown Category: Trained
Affiliation: Batman Family
British Army (formerly)
British Security Service "MI-5" (formerly)
Associates: Wayne, Martha (deceased)
Wayne, Thomas (deceased)
Relatives: Drake, Timothy "Tim" / Red Robin (adopted grandchild)
Pennyworth, Jarvis (father, deceased)
Pennyworth, Julia / Tuxedo-One (daughter)
Saotome Ranma / Lilit (adoptive grandchild)
Todd, Jason / Red Hood (adopted grandson)
Wayne, Bruce / Batman (adopted son)
Wayne, Cassandra / Batgirl (adoptive grandchild)
Wayne, Damian / Robin (adoptive grandson)
Wayne, Helena / Huntress (alternate universe adoptive granddaughter)
"And it's not a thankless task. Every time I walk through Gotham, I see people with family, with friends, with lives. People who wouldn't be here without him."
As a young man, Alfred joined the British army and received extensive training as a field medic before retiring from service to a career as an actor. It was in this capacity that he was scouted for MI5 to provide instruction in espionage. Well into his adulthood, he received notice that his father had passed away—and having come to see the value in assisting others, flew to America to take on the role of the butler of the Wayne family. Becoming close friends with the young Thomas Wayne and his girlfriend (and later wife) Martha Kane, Alfred came to be seen by the Gotham public as so close to the controversial power couple that rumors suggested impropriety.

When tragedy struck and his dear friends lost their lives, Alfred honored their wishes by acting as the legal guardian of their son Bruce, doing his best to guide the deeply traumatized boy on a path that did not dip too deeply into the darkness. Schooling Bruce in all that he knew, his influence proved a powerful force in the creation of the man who would become Batman, and in that capacity he became a lodestar to those who would follow in Bruce's path.

A highly skilled actor, spy, and field medic, Alfred's skillset has been passed along to the younger generation time and again while he oversees the well-being of both the physical location of Wayne Manor, and its spiritual center. On the rare occasion that forces of darkness intruded upon the manor and the Batcave below, Alfred has proven an unmatched defender of his home and family. He has recently begun to work to repair the rift between himself and his estranged daughter Julia, a division he deeply regrets.

Special Abilities:
  • Acting: Alfred enjoyed a brief, acclaimed period on the stage at the Globe Theatre; he later developed his skills further in instructing and performing espionage for MI-5.
  • Auto Repair: a former automotive hobbyist, Alfred's knowledge of cars has helped maintain the various incarnations of the Batmobile.
  • Driving: during his early career with the Waynes, Alfred devoted his free time to exploring American automotive culture, and became a highly skilled amateur racer. His familiarity with driving the streets of Gotham and its exurbs is unmatched.
  • Firearms: Alfred is a highly skilled shot with handguns, rifles, and shotguns, keeping practice despite Bruce's refusal to use guns.
  • Medicine: highly trained in field medicine and formerly a close companion to the eminently skilled surgeon Thomas Wayne, Alfred has continued to develop his skills over the years through both practical experience and private study. He is capable of reversing life-threatening injuries under conditions most would consider impossible, and he has an exceptional degree of familiarity with anatomy and the chemical aspects of medicine.
  • Military Operations: outside of his direct training, Alfred's espionage experience acquainted him with the operations and standards of the armed forces of numerous nations.
  • Linguistics: Alfred is a native English speaker.
  • Martial Arts: from both his military and espionage training as well as stagecraft, Alfred has extensive training in hand-to-hand combat skills including fencing, boxing, and a variety of armed forces combatives.
Alfred Pennyworth originates in DC Comics and its adaptations. Transformative elements listed on this page include but are not limited to: identification as the adoptive parent of Bruce Wayne, as well as variations thereupon. No claim is made to ownership of these characters and concepts.Source:Comics