Ahn Kwang-Jo [안 광조]
Dragonson [용의아들]; Aqua-Man of North Korea
Gender: Cisgender Man (he/him pronouns) Age: 19 (as of Musi and the Justice League of China) Species: Human/Dragon

Kwang-Jo, the Dragonson
Birthplace: North Korean Home Base: Justice League of China HQ, Jilin, China Ethnicity: Korean/Yong Dragon
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown (White as Dragonson) Category: Human Hybrid (Half-Dragon)
Affiliation: Justice League of China Associates: Ho, Avery / the Flash
Kong Kenan / Super-Man
Peng Deilan / Wonder-Woman of China
Wang Baixi / Bat-Man of China
Relatives: Munmu / Dragon King of the Eastern Sea
Unnamed human mother
"Don't have a cow, man."
Born and raised believing himself an ordinary human citizen of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Ahn Kwang-Jo secretly indulged in illegal goods, owning a television set modified to pick up foreign broadcasts. He possessed a special fondness for a cartoon program featuring a family of yellow-skinned buffoons, which he found amusing in spite of struggling to comprehend, being fluent in English but unfamiliar with the cultural concepts it conveyed. His secret indulgences discovered, Kwang-Jo was arrested and subjected to a beating—only for his hereditary powers to activate as his body produced ancient waters that allowed mystical sea creatures to come forth as his servants, killing his tormentors and fleeing to the border with Kwang-Jo to protect him.

Rescued by the Justice League of China (but suffering an injury that left him without the use of his left eye, Kwang-Jo struggled to reconcile the lifestyle of Chinese citizens with propaganda into which he had been indoctrinated all of his life, and briefly lashed out under the influence of his father's spirit by attempting to use his powers to unleash a deluge on his homeland. Brought back to his senses, he rejoined the JLC as a formal member, enjoying the opportunities for both downtime playing video games with Kenan, and moments of the kind of heroism that his powers let him perform.

Special Abilities:
  • Marine Life Loyalty: as the heir of King Munmu, Kwang-Jo commands the unending loyalty of a variety of legendary sea creatures.
  • Transformation: by wielding a bone relic of his father King Munmu, Kwang-Jo is able to transform into a hybrid form granting him superhuman abilities, while the relic transforms into a sword.
    • Accelerated Healing: Kwang-Jo's transformation into the Dragonson rapidly heals even injuries sustained in his human form.
    • Amphibious: in his transformed state, Kwang-Jo can breathe water and air with equal ease.
    • Hydrokinesis: as the Dragonson, Kwang-Jo can manipulate water in any phase, including liquid, steam, and ice.
    • Superhuman Durability
    • Superhuman Strength
  • Linguistics: Kwang-Jo speaks fluent Korean, English, and Mandarin Chinese.
  • Water Portals: Kwang-Jo both voluntarily and involuntarily (especially when stressed) sheds liquid water from his skin, which when pooling into puddles may act as a gateway through which magical sea creatures under his command may emergy and depart from this reality. This ability become much more powerful in his transformed state.
Ahn Kwang-Jo originates in DC Comics and its adaptations. No claim is made to ownership of these characters and concepts.Source:Comics