Wang Baixi [王柏喜]
Bat-Man of China [中国版蝙蝠侠];
Gender: Cisgender Man (he/him pronouns) Age: 20 (as of Musi and the Justice League of China) Species: Human

Baixi as the Bat-Man of China
Birthplace: Unknown Home Base: Justice League of China HQ, Jilin, China
The Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai, China (Formerly)
Academy of the Bat, Location Classified, China (Formerly)
Ethnicity: Han Chinese
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown Category: Trained
Affiliation: Justice League of China
Batman Family
Associates: Ahn Kwang-Jo / Dragonson
Doctor Omen
Ho, Avery / the Flash
Kong Kenan / Super-Man of China
Peng Deilan / Wonder-Woman of China (girlfriend)
Wayne, Bruce / Batman
Relatives: Robinbot (creation)
Wang Jiali / Alpaca (sister)
"It's the same tech as that neural disruptor I used on you. You never told me, is it more of a sting or a burn?"
Trained since childhood at the Ministry of Self-Reliance's Academy of the Bat, Baixi eventually demonstrated enough skill, intelligence, and physical prowess to be chosen out of all of the Academy's students as the Bat-Man of China. An engineering genius, he has personally designed and built most of his equipment, including the Bat Utility Vehicle, and his artificial intelligence companion Robinbot. While Baixi idolizes the original Batman, he is not above acting under his own beliefs—principles tested when his sister Jiali revealed herself as the Joker-like antiheroine Alpaca. His position as the start student of the Academy was later a source of danger, when rival student Feng Ronpei utilized the strength-enhancing drug Venom to become the villainous Anathema.

Baixi has repeatedly demonstrated a strong sense of loyalty that is often tested when others defy his expectations and his beliefs in a just world; first finding himself standing against the Ministry of Self-Reliance when its mission and administration stood in opposition to his beliefs about justice, he later had to choose between the diplomatic path and the heroic one when his teammates pushed to save the North Korean defector Ahn Kwang-Jo. Baixi also briefly struggled to reconcile his growing love for Peng Deilan when it was learned that she began life as an ordinary snake.

Special Abilities:
  • Computing: Baixi is a highly skilled computer user, able to swiftly hack unfamiliar systems.
  • Driving: as the developer of the JLC's primary vehicle, the BUV, Baixi typically takes the role of driver and pilot.
  • Engineering: Baixi has demonstrated exceptional skill in electrical and mechanical engineering, including robotics, vehicle design, and creation of a wide range of gadgets and tools.
  • Linguistics: Baixi is a fluent speaker of Mandarin Chinese and English
  • Martial Arts: expertly trained in a variety of combat skills, Baixi demonstrates a high degree of competency in hand-to-hand combat as well as thrown weapons including batarangs.
Wang Baixi originates in DC Comics and its adaptations. No claim is made to ownership of these characters and concepts.Source:Comics