The Batman Family
The Batman Family is a semi-official network of the original Batman's trusted allies, comrades, and literal family members. While often assumed to include any person with a bat theme worlwide, or those acting as a member of Batman Incorporated, this is not the case. Even some direct blood relations of the original Batman are not formally counted within this circle, although they may act as allies.

Around the time of the addition of the heroine Lilit to this group, several of Batman's former enemies began to be formally included as well.

Members: Ace / Bat-Hound
Alfred the Cat
Dent, Harvey / Two-Face
Drake, Timothy / Red Robin
Grayson, Richard / Nightwing
Gordon, Barbara / Oracle
Kane, Bette / Flamebird
Kane, Kate / Batwoman
Karlo, Basil / Clayface
Kyle, Selina / Catwoman
Pennyworth, Alfred / Penny-One
Quinzel, Harleen / Harley Quinn
Row, Harper / Bluebird
Saotome Ranma / Lilit
Thomas, Duke / the Signal
Titus the Dog
Todd, Jason / Red Hood
Valley, Jean-Paul / Azrael
Wayne, Bruce / Batman (leader);
Wayne, Cassandra / Batgirl
Wayne, Damian / Robin
Wayne, Helena / Huntress